#santo stephano
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tarottchotchkes · 1 year ago
Wow! Turned what could have been a boring set of stairs into a beautiful work of art!
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Church of Santo Stefano at Ponte, Florence (1574) Designed By: Bernardo Bountalenti
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pietroblog · 7 months ago
Alejandro Irarragorri: Fomentando el Desarrollo Integral de los Jóvenes Futbolistas
Reconocido por su destacado compromiso con el desarrollo integral de los jóvenes futbolistas, el empresario Alejandro Irarragorri ha expresado su admiración por aquellos talentos que optan por una formación completa, equilibrando sus carreras deportivas con su educación académica. "Quiero reconocer el esfuerzo y la dedicación de las jóvenes promesas del fútbol que han apostado por una formación total y han buscado un equilibrio con el fútbol, esa decisión requiere madurez y voluntad, porque se necesita disciplina para continuar con su desarrollo dentro y fuera de las canchas", reflexionó el Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Orlegi durante un acto de graduación del Colegio Orlegi.
El Colegio Orlegi, una institución educativa respaldada por el Grupo Orlegi y reconocida por la Secretaría de Educación, surge como una manifestación del compromiso del grupo liderado por Irarragorri en cuanto al desarrollo humano y profesional de los futbolistas más allá de su desempeño en el campo. Este colegio se sustenta en tres proyectos alternativos: un tercero de secundaria en coordinación con las escuelas de origen de los estudiantes, un programa específico de preparatoria en modalidad virtual, y el Programa 20 (P2=), diseñado como un plan especial para graduados previo a su ingreso a la universidad.
El Grupo Orlegi, liderado por Alejandro Irarragorri, impulsa la formación integral de sus fuerzas básicas a través del Colegio Orlegi.
El compromiso de Alejandro Irarragorri y su equipo con la transformación social a través del deporte se materializa en iniciativas como el Colegio Orlegi. Durante el año 2023, bajo la dirección del empresario Alejandro Irarragorri y su equipo directivo, se otorgaron reconocimientos a más de 80 estudiantes que completaron su educación preparatoria, destacando casos de éxito de alumnos que forman parte de las fuerzas básicas y diversas categorías del Club Santos Laguna y Atlas FC.
Alejandro Irarragorri, en su constante apoyo a los jóvenes, les anima a perseguir sus sueños con determinación: "No dejen de soñar y no dejen de luchar para poder cumplir sus sueños, ya que el camino apenas comienza y este éxito es la puerta de entrada a nuevos desafíos". Reconociendo la importancia del papel de los padres en el desarrollo de sus hijos, Irarragorri agradece su confianza y compromiso con el proyecto educativo del Colegio Orlegi, donde se prioriza el crecimiento personal antes que el rendimiento deportivo: "Aquí primero es la persona y después el jugador".
En su labor por fomentar una cultura de valores, Irarragorri elogia la dedicación y pasión del personal del colegio, destacando su contribución a la formación integral de los jóvenes. "La pasión y la vocación de las personas que se encuentran en el día a día de los alumnos es un factor decisivo en este proceso. Les felicito por compartir valores que son pilares en la institución y en la formación integral de los jóvenes, pues adaptan la cultura de Ganar Sirviendo como forma de vida", afirmó.
Entre los alumnos del Colegio Orlegi se encuentran destacados deportistas como Stephano Emmanuel Carrillo Calderón, Tahiel Adrián Jiménez Sánchez, Kevin Yahir García Jiménez, Alejandro Partida Falcón y Edwin Daniel Alvarado Núñez, quienes han representado incluso a la Selección Mexicana en categorías juveniles. Estos estudiantes han demostrado su capacidad para equilibrar su carrera futbolística con sus estudios, mostrando responsabilidad y determinación para alcanzar sus metas y superar expectativas, un logro que Alejandro Irarragorri celebra como un ejemplo de compromiso y excelencia académico-deportiva.
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jc-caron · 2 years ago
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Triptyques bolonais 5/8 : Bologna la Pieta (Bologne la douloureuse). Eglise Santo Stephano, eau bénite, la lamentation du Christ - Sanctuaire Santa Maria della Vitta.
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eopederson · 6 years ago
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Chiostro con pozzo, Basilica di Santo Stephano, Bologna, 2019.
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recantodaeducacao · 4 years ago
AstraZeneca ou vacina de Oxford? Mesmo imunizante contra a Covid-19 pode ter nomes diferentes; entenda qual é qual
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Pouco mais de um ano depois do início da pandemia, com produções em tempo recorde, os brasileiros têm mais de uma vacina disponível no Plano Nacional de Imunização para conter a Covid-19. A nomenclatura delas, porém, é plural e pode confundir. Hoje, vacinas como a desenvolvida pela Universidade de Oxford, no Reino Unido, pode ser chamada por outros três nomes diferentes. A do laboratório chinês Sinovac, envasada no Brasil pelo Instituto Butantan, também. Isso ocorre porque a corrida para produzir os imunizantes contra o novo coronavírus em tempo recorde ao redor do mundo fez com que uma série de empresas farmacêuticas, grandes laboratórios e até mesmo universidades se juntassem em busca de uma fórmula efetiva para conter a doença. Na hora de batizar as doses salvadoras, todos quiseram ser lembrados. “Logo no início da pandemia, a estratégia foi acelerar o processo para a produção de vacinas a partir de conhecimentos pré-existentes e estudos realizados para desenvolver vacinas contra outros coronavírus. Foi o que aconteceu, por exemplo, com Oxford, que já vinha desenvolvendo uma linha de pesquisa para vacinas baseadas em adenovírus, e fez a substituição do antígeno pelo antígeno Sars-Cov-2. A AstraZeneca se interessou em investir no desenvolvimento da vacina e a parceria foi ent��o estabelecida”, explica a pesquisadora da vacina em spray do Instituto do Coração em São Paulo (InCor), Keity Souza Santos.
Além da aceleração do processo, a parceria entre universidades e a indústria ocorre como uma forma de aproveitar os equipamentos de custo elevado. As empresas que fabricam a vacina geralmente não têm estrutura tão boa quanto os institutos de pesquisa para fazer ensaios pré-clínicos, toxicológicos e clínicos, o que costuma ser feito pelas instituições de ensino, que encaminham os resultados para a fabricação em larga escala. “Para a indústria, sai mais barato financiar uma pesquisa na universidade que usará o equipamento e o material em várias outras pesquisas do que ela se auto financiar e o equipamento e material ser mal aproveitado”, explica o também pesquisador do InCor, Marco Antonio Stephano.
Com a divisão já confusa entre as farmacêuticas e os laboratórios internacionais, ao chegar no Brasil ou em outros países, a vacina pode receber um nome comercial ou ganhar o nome do novo laboratório local que tem a função de fazer o envase. A escolha depende das legislações farmacêuticas locais. Aqui, até o momento, o Instituto Butantan e a Fiocruz são os únicos laboratórios que incluíram a chancela nas vacinas. No exterior, com a mesma fórmula da Universidade de Oxford, um laboratório indiano produziu a “Covishield”. No fim das contas, todos os imunizantes são iguais. “A vacinas envasadas no Brasil ou na Índia têm que ser exatamente iguais, se não isso vai caracterizar outra vacina. O primeiro paradigma da biotecnologia é: o produto é igual ao processo. Se o processo mudou, o produto mudou”, pontua Santos. Para evitar confusão, confira, abaixo, as variações de nomes que as mesmas vacinas podem ter no Brasil.
Vacina de Oxford: AstraZeneca; Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz; Covishield
Desenvolvida em uma parceria entre a Universidade de Oxford e a empresa farmacêutica britânica AstraZeneca, a vacina tem o “nome científico” de AZD1222. Ela teve o uso aprovado no Brasil de forma emergencial no dia 17 de janeiro e é produzida nacionalmente com a tecnologia europeia nos laboratórios da Bio-Manguinhos, que faz parte da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), nomes que podem aparecer em cartões de vacinação estaduais. Além da Fiocruz, os laboratórios do Serum Institute, na Índia, também produzem o imunizante com a tecnologia europeia. No país asiático, que chegou a exportar doses para o Brasil, o imunizante ganhou o nome de “Covishield”. Na Coreia do Sul, o laboratório Bioscience também produz a vacina. No país, porém, a nomenclatura dela é ligada à marca da AstraZeneca.
Leia também
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‘Teremos problemas sociais gravíssimos’, diz Bolsonaro sobre medidas de isolamento
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Polônia determina novo lockdown após registrar 25 mil casos diários de Covid-19
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Com Covid-19 e intervenção na Petrobras, IPOs perdem fôlego na B3
Os primeiros dados da vacina, publicados na revista científica The Lancet em 8 de dezembro de 2020, mostram que ela tem uma eficácia média de 70,4%. Ao longo do mês de março, mais de 15 países suspenderam momentaneamente a vacinação com os imunizantes de Oxford por suspeita de ligação com casos de trombose. Até o momento, a Agência Europeia de Medicamentos não encontrou evidências suficientes que liguem as ocorrências com os imunizantes, já que somente 15 casos foram detectados em um universo de cerca de 20 milhões de vacinados.
Vacina do Instituto Butantan: Sinovac; Coronavac
Responsável pela maior parte das imunizações no Brasil até o momento, a Coronavac é uma vacina com tecnologia da farmacêutica chinesa Sinovac Life Science que é produzida no Brasil pelo Instituto Butantan. No país, ela pode levar o nome do laboratório asiático, o “apelido” científico (Coronavac) ou o nome do laboratório nacional. As análises preliminares da pesquisa feita com a Coronavac no Brasil mostraram uma taxa de eficácia de 50,38% contra o vírus, evitando quadros graves da infecção. A fabricação nacional do imunizante com o Ingrediente Farmacêutico Ativo (IFA) asiático foi iniciada em 10 de dezembro de 2020. A expectativa é de que o Butantan tenha capacidade de produzir o próprio IFA em janeiro de 2022.
Vacina da Pfizer: BioNTech; Comirnaty
Primeira vacina a ter o uso definitivo obtido no Brasil, o imunizante desenvolvido pela farmacêutica norte-americana Pfizer e o laboratório alemão BioNTech recebeu o nome comercial de “Comirnaty”, que não se popularizou no país até o momento. Ela tem requisitos de armazenamento mais delicados do que as outras, precisando ficar em temperaturas de pelo menos -60ºC para se preservar por até seis meses. Em refrigeradores comuns, a vacina dura até cinco dias. Apesar do uso definitivo ter sido permitido no Brasil, ainda não há aplicação em massa da vacina da Pfizer no país. Nesta sexta-feira, 19, o Ministério da Saúde confirmou a assinatura de um contrato que prevê o recebimento de 100 milhões de doses até o último semestre de 2021.
Vacina do Instituto Gamaleya: Sputnik V; vacina da Rússia
A vacina desenvolvida no maior país do mundo com pesquisa da Universidade Sechenov e tecnologia do Gamaleya Instituto de Epidemiologia e Microbiologia, em Moscou, foi a primeira a ser aprovada no mundo ainda no mês de agosto, após receber aval da própria Rússia para aplicação nos seus habitantes, antes mesmo do fim da última fase dos estudos. Com o “nome científico” Gam-COVID-Vac, chamada em russo de Гам-КОВИД-Вак, a Sputnik V foi vista com desconfiança, a princípio por ter levado apenas poucos meses para ser produzida, mas passou a ser adotada por uma série de países, inclusive por vizinhos do Brasil, como a Argentina. Os dados preliminares de estudo da vacina, publicados no mês de fevereiro na revista The Lancet, mostram uma taxa de eficácia de 91,6%. Apesar disso, ela ainda não teve uso emergencial ou definitivo aprovado pela Anvisa. Mesmo sem essa aprovação, o Ministério da Saúde assinou no meio de março um contrato para compra de 10 milhões de doses do imunizante, que devem ser importadas pelo laboratório brasileiro União Química. Dessas, 400 mil devem chegar até o fim de abril, outras 2 milhões até o fim de maio e o resto no mês de junho.
Vacina da Janssen: Vacina da Johnson & Johnson
Fabricada pela empresa belga Janssen, braço farmacêutico da norte-americana Johnson & Johnson, a vacina foi rotulada como “Ad26.COV2.S ou JNJ-78436735” na fase de testes. Ela tem dose única e, de acordo com estudos preliminares, apresentou 66,3% de eficácia contra a Covid-19. Até o momento, a vacina não teve uso emergencial permitido pela Anvisa. No começo da semana, porém, representantes da agência regulatória e da farmacêutica se reuniram para discutir quais informações faltavam para a permissão do Brasil. Cerca de 38 milhões de doses da vacina foram encomendadas pelo Ministério da Saúde e devem chegar ao país até o fim de 2021.
The post AstraZeneca ou vacina de Oxford? Mesmo imunizante contra a Covid-19 pode ter nomes diferentes; entenda qual é qual first appeared on Recanto da educação. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3lypt35 via IFTTT
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tribunabrasil · 4 years ago
AstraZeneca ou vacina de Oxford? Mesmo imunizante contra a Covid-19 pode ter nomes diferentes; entenda qual é qual
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Pouco mais de um ano depois do início da pandemia, com produções em tempo recorde, os brasileiros têm mais de uma vacina disponível no Plano Nacional de Imunização para conter a Covid-19. A nomenclatura delas, porém, é plural e pode confundir. Hoje, vacinas como a desenvolvida pela Universidade de Oxford, no Reino Unido, pode ser chamada por outros três nomes diferentes. A do laboratório chinês Sinovac, envasada no Brasil pelo Instituto Butantan, também. Isso ocorre porque a corrida para produzir os imunizantes contra o novo coronavírus em tempo recorde ao redor do mundo fez com que uma série de empresas farmacêuticas, grandes laboratórios e até mesmo universidades se juntassem em busca de uma fórmula efetiva para conter a doença. Na hora de batizar as doses salvadoras, todos quiseram ser lembrados. “Logo no início da pandemia, a estratégia foi acelerar o processo para a produção de vacinas a partir de conhecimentos pré-existentes e estudos realizados para desenvolver vacinas contra outros coronavírus. Foi o que aconteceu, por exemplo, com Oxford, que já vinha desenvolvendo uma linha de pesquisa para vacinas baseadas em adenovírus, e fez a substituição do antígeno pelo antígeno Sars-Cov-2. A AstraZeneca se interessou em investir no desenvolvimento da vacina e a parceria foi então estabelecida”, explica a pesquisadora da vacina em spray do Instituto do Coração em São Paulo (InCor), Keity Souza Santos.
Além da aceleração do processo, a parceria entre universidades e a indústria ocorre como uma forma de aproveitar os equipamentos de custo elevado. As empresas que fabricam a vacina geralmente não têm estrutura tão boa quanto os institutos de pesquisa para fazer ensaios pré-clínicos, toxicológicos e clínicos, o que costuma ser feito pelas instituições de ensino, que encaminham os resultados para a fabricação em larga escala. “Para a indústria, sai mais barato financiar uma pesquisa na universidade que usará o equipamento e o material em várias outras pesquisas do que ela se auto financiar e o equipamento e material ser mal aproveitado”, explica o também pesquisador do InCor, Marco Antonio Stephano.
Com a divisão já confusa entre as farmacêuticas e os laboratórios internacionais, ao chegar no Brasil ou em outros países, a vacina pode receber um nome comercial ou ganhar o nome do novo laboratório local que tem a função de fazer o envase. A escolha depende das legislações farmacêuticas locais. Aqui, até o momento, o Instituto Butantan e a Fiocruz são os únicos laboratórios que incluíram a chancela nas vacinas. No exterior, com a mesma fórmula da Universidade de Oxford, um laboratório indiano produziu a “Covishield”. No fim das contas, todos os imunizantes são iguais. “A vacinas envasadas no Brasil ou na Índia têm que ser exatamente iguais, se não isso vai caracterizar outra vacina. O primeiro paradigma da biotecnologia é: o produto é igual ao processo. Se o processo mudou, o produto mudou”, pontua Santos. Para evitar confusão, confira, abaixo, as variações de nomes que as mesmas vacinas podem ter no Brasil.
Vacina de Oxford: AstraZeneca; Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz; Covishield
Desenvolvida em uma parceria entre a Universidade de Oxford e a empresa farmacêutica britânica AstraZeneca, a vacina tem o “nome científico” de AZD1222. Ela teve o uso aprovado no Brasil de forma emergencial no dia 17 de janeiro e é produzida nacionalmente com a tecnologia europeia nos laboratórios da Bio-Manguinhos, que faz parte da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), nomes que podem aparecer em cartões de vacinação estaduais. Além da Fiocruz, os laboratórios do Serum Institute, na Índia, também produzem o imunizante com a tecnologia europeia. No país asiático, que chegou a exportar doses para o Brasil, o imunizante ganhou o nome de “Covishield”. Na Coreia do Sul, o laboratório Bioscience também produz a vacina. No país, porém, a nomenclatura dela é ligada à marca da AstraZeneca.
Leia também
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‘Teremos problemas sociais gravíssimos’, diz Bolsonaro sobre medidas de isolamento
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Polônia determina novo lockdown após registrar 25 mil casos diários de Covid-19
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Com Covid-19 e intervenção na Petrobras, IPOs perdem fôlego na B3
Os primeiros dados da vacina, publicados na revista científica The Lancet em 8 de dezembro de 2020, mostram que ela tem uma eficácia média de 70,4%. Ao longo do mês de março, mais de 15 países suspenderam momentaneamente a vacinação com os imunizantes de Oxford por suspeita de ligação com casos de trombose. Até o momento, a Agência Europeia de Medicamentos não encontrou evidências suficientes que liguem as ocorrências com os imunizantes, já que somente 15 casos foram detectados em um universo de cerca de 20 milhões de vacinados.
Vacina do Instituto Butantan: Sinovac; Coronavac
Responsável pela maior parte das imunizações no Brasil até o momento, a Coronavac é uma vacina com tecnologia da farmacêutica chinesa Sinovac Life Science que é produzida no Brasil pelo Instituto Butantan. No país, ela pode levar o nome do laboratório asiático, o “apelido” científico (Coronavac) ou o nome do laboratório nacional. As análises preliminares da pesquisa feita com a Coronavac no Brasil mostraram uma taxa de eficácia de 50,38% contra o vírus, evitando quadros graves da infecção. A fabricação nacional do imunizante com o Ingrediente Farmacêutico Ativo (IFA) asiático foi iniciada em 10 de dezembro de 2020. A expectativa é de que o Butantan tenha capacidade de produzir o próprio IFA em janeiro de 2022.
Vacina da Pfizer: BioNTech; Comirnaty
Primeira vacina a ter o uso definitivo obtido no Brasil, o imunizante desenvolvido pela farmacêutica norte-americana Pfizer e o laboratório alemão BioNTech recebeu o nome comercial de “Comirnaty”, que não se popularizou no país até o momento. Ela tem requisitos de armazenamento mais delicados do que as outras, precisando ficar em temperaturas de pelo menos -60ºC para se preservar por até seis meses. Em refrigeradores comuns, a vacina dura até cinco dias. Apesar do uso definitivo ter sido permitido no Brasil, ainda não há aplicação em massa da vacina da Pfizer no país. Nesta sexta-feira, 19, o Ministério da Saúde confirmou a assinatura de um contrato que prevê o recebimento de 100 milhões de doses até o último semestre de 2021.
Vacina do Instituto Gamaleya: Sputnik V; vacina da Rússia
A vacina desenvolvida no maior país do mundo com pesquisa da Universidade Sechenov e tecnologia do Gamaleya Instituto de Epidemiologia e Microbiologia, em Moscou, foi a primeira a ser aprovada no mundo ainda no mês de agosto, após receber aval da própria Rússia para aplicação nos seus habitantes, antes mesmo do fim da última fase dos estudos. Com o “nome científico” Gam-COVID-Vac, chamada em russo de Гам-КОВИД-Вак, a Sputnik V foi vista com desconfiança, a princípio por ter levado apenas poucos meses para ser produzida, mas passou a ser adotada por uma série de países, inclusive por vizinhos do Brasil, como a Argentina. Os dados preliminares de estudo da vacina, publicados no mês de fevereiro na revista The Lancet, mostram uma taxa de eficácia de 91,6%. Apesar disso, ela ainda não teve uso emergencial ou definitivo aprovado pela Anvisa. Mesmo sem essa aprovação, o Ministério da Saúde assinou no meio de março um contrato para compra de 10 milhões de doses do imunizante, que devem ser importadas pelo laboratório brasileiro União Química. Dessas, 400 mil devem chegar até o fim de abril, outras 2 milhões até o fim de maio e o resto no mês de junho.
Vacina da Janssen: Vacina da Johnson & Johnson
Fabricada pela empresa belga Janssen, braço farmacêutico da norte-americana Johnson & Johnson, a vacina foi rotulada como “Ad26.COV2.S ou JNJ-78436735” na fase de testes. Ela tem dose única e, de acordo com estudos preliminares, apresentou 66,3% de eficácia contra a Covid-19. Até o momento, a vacina não teve uso emergencial permitido pela Anvisa. No começo da semana, porém, representantes da agência regulatória e da farmacêutica se reuniram para discutir quais informações faltavam para a permissão do Brasil. Cerca de 38 milhões de doses da vacina foram encomendadas pelo Ministério da Saúde e devem chegar ao país até o fim de 2021.
The post AstraZeneca ou vacina de Oxford? Mesmo imunizante contra a Covid-19 pode ter nomes diferentes; entenda qual é qual first appeared on Tribuna Brasil.
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institutogamaliel · 5 years ago
Celebrai Festival traz nove shows gospel gratuitos para o verão do Espírito Santo
Celebrai Festival traz nove shows gospel gratuitos para o verão do Espírito Santo
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Gabriela Rocha, Anderson Freire, Stephano Hernandes e Fernanda Brum são algumas das atrações
O verão da região sul do Espírito Santo promete ser agitado com nove shows gospelgratuitos na nova Praia Central de Marataízes. O Celebrai Festival, que chega em 2020 com a sua décima edição, trará nos dias 23, 24 e 25 de janeiro, sempre a partir das 19 horas, nomes consagrados no cenário nacional da…
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bosummers · 5 years ago
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Oggi è il 26 Dicembre, ed è FESTA NAZIONALE COMANDATA, ed è una FESTA RELIGIOSA. Certo, sarà anche bello non dover andare al lavoro (per chi lavora, che non si sa più se è un bene o un male assoluto), e va bene, passi…. Ma lo sai almeno cosa stiamo “festeggiando”??
Festeggiamo “SANTO STEFANO PROTOMARTIRE”. Proto/martire, il primo martire della DITTATURA MONOTEISTA PALESTINESE che dura da poco meno di 2000 anni….
Ebbene, chi era costui???
era uno dei primi 7 diaconi definiti dagli apostoli per fare politica mascherata da “attività sociale benefica”, quella di cui Bergoglio va cianciando a favore dei “confratelli in crimine” islamisti, cioè quelli che secondo la retorica fascista ci starebbero “invadendo”.
Allora, fuori dalle favolette, facciamo un po’ di storia vera. delle tre religioni abramitiche, AV-RA-HAM, la prima ad essere stata “creata” fu quella Giudaica, circa 4mila anni fa (duemila anni prima dell’invenzione di Cristo).
Anche se la religione giudaica sostiene di esistere fin dalla “creazione”, come del resto sostengono anche le altre due, è evidente che fu creata 2000 anni prima della nascita del cristianesimo.
Ora, senza andare troppo nel dettaglio (ma lo faremo), la situazione politica della PALESTINA di duemila anni fa era molto instabile. Il territorio era occupato dalle truppe romane, che in termini religiosi sono decisamente laiche.
Quando Roma conquista un territorio, impone tasse (per costruire sovrastrutture, ma anche, logicamente, per portare ricchezza in città), ma lascia la lingua, gli usi e costumi locali in essere, e soprattutto la religione locale.
Il motivo, estremamente SAGGIO (e che non farà mai praticamente più nessun’altro dopo, il che sarebbe un motivo sufficiente per essere a favore di ROMA invece che “di sinistra o “anticapitalist*”, ma ne riparleremo) è quello di NON creare risentimento nelle popolazioni locali, che possa poi fomentare rivolte.
Motivo logico, militarmente e politicamente, ma “laico avveduto, saggio, perfino “democratico”, diremmo oggi.
I romani però non sapevano ancora di avere a che fare colla peggiore ideologia del male che sia mai sbocciata sul pianeta terra, al cui confronto il nazismo è stato solo un gioco da pallidi imitatori dilettanti.
Quindi in sostanza all’epoca la religione dominante in PALESTINA era il GIUDAISMO, cioè’ la versione ebraica del monoteismo di YHWH, di Dio insomma.
Ma all’interno del giudaismo esistevano varie sette politiche, con sfere ideologiche e di influenza diverse. Tra queste le più forti erano quelle degli ZELOTI, degli ESSENI, dei SAMARITANI, dei FARISEI..
La setta dei BATTISTI ad esempio non si ispirava purtroppo al più grande cantante della storia della musica italiana (oltre a DEMETRIO STRATOS), ma a quel GIOVANNI BATTISTA che molti storici ritengono essere il personaggio storico realmente esistito su cui poi gli “evangelisti” plasmarono l’invenzione della figura di Gesù Cristo, molto anni dopo…
Ora, anzi “allora”, queste sette andavano tutte in giro a fare opera di conversione presso i Giudei più ortodossi, e lo facevano con le tecniche ancora in uso ora, cioè distribuzione di cibo e vestiario, o altri beni, la famosa TECNICA BUONISTA DELLA SOLIDARIETA’ finalizzata politicamente a altro..
Uno di questi, probabilmente mai esistito, o meglio creato a posteriori, era, nella tradizione evangelica degli Atti degli Apostoli, un ebreo ellenico di nome Stephanos, parola che in greco significa CORONA (non la Birra, purtroppo), e che rappresenta appunto la raffigurazione del MARTIRIO (anche Cristo quando trascina la croce sul monte Golgotha infatti indossa la “corona”).
Quindi evidente dalla simbologia, è tutto inventato a posteriori.
Perciò la favola degli Atti degli Apostoli continua raccontando che costui portava cibo, aiuto e sostegni alle vedove greche in palestina, che venivano discriminatate dagli EBREI CATTIVI, a favore delle vedove ebree che ricevevano “approcci e welfare STATALE”.
Quindi un santo, una figura eccezionale, “ovviamente devoto alla causa del cristianesimo” (che peraltro ancora non era stato formulato), e pure il primo a fare MIRACOLI dopo Gesù’ Cristo.
La narrativa degli Atti degli Apostoli continua raccontando che a causa di ciò il SINEDRIO, che sarebbe “l’autorità ebraica in territorio palestinese” dell’epoca in seno al governo romano, lo accusa ingiustamente di BLASFEMIA, e lo condanna alla LAPIDAZIONE. perciò costui, probabilmente mai esistito, MUORE COME PRIMO MARTIRE CRISTIANISTA…
Ma martire di cosa??
Semplice, della lotta di questa setta, contro gli EBREI ORTODOSSI del tempo.
In pratica quindi il 26 DICEMBRE si “festeggia” la nascita del preconcetto ANTISIONISTA, della discriminazione dell’odio contro gli ebrei, che dura da duemila anni, e che crea una linea diretta che dalle SETTE CSRISTIANISTE arriva fino al NAZISMO….
E la costruzione falsificata, costruita ad arte di questa narrativa antiebraica, e’ frutto di un’altra linea diretta che da GLI ATTI DEGLI APOSTOLI arriva fino ai PROTOCOLLI DEI SAVI DI SION.
Curioso notare inoltre che in questa narrativa falsificante, costruita davvero ad arte e piena di simbologie esoteriche, si racconta anche che uno dei testimoni della lapidazione del nostro futuro SANTO MARTIRE (ripeto, probabilmente inesistente) STEFANO CORONA (anche un’altro Corona, martire del berlusconismo, potrebbe essere beatificato da Bergoglio, quindi qui glielo suggeriamo ufficialmente, tanto, visto che si santifica la peggio feccia…), sia un membro della setta cristianista dei FARISEI, un certo PAOLO DI TARSO che successivamente diventerà uno dei peggiori criminali della storia del cristianismo, cioè colui che portò per primo questa dottrina TERRORISTA TEOCRATICA E TOTALITARIA di una SETTA PALESTINESE ANTIEBRAICA, proprio a ROMA, dove ci sta come FORZA DI OCCUPAZIONE COLONIALE da circa 2000 anni.
Questo con buona pace della narrativa fascista contro “l’invasione dei migranti islamici”, quando la vera invasione da parte di un corpo estraneo fu proprio quella PALESTINESE che i fascisti tanto amano, insieme in logicissimi termini (VA) ai loro falsi nemici comunisti, coi cui condividono anche L’ODIO PER GLI EBREI, opps, scusate, SIONISTI!!!
E questo perché in termini (VA), tutto esiste in funzione del suo contrario, perché tutto nel COSTRUTTO MAGICO/IDEOLOGICO è esattamente il suo contrario, anche se finge tutt’altro….
E il collante d’unione smascherato dal (VA) del falso dualismo fascismo/comunismo è proprio il terzo incomodo abramitico del GIUDAISMO, il capro espiatorio del cristianismo panarabo (e successivamente del patto dei Fratelli Musulmani tra Islam e Nazismo), rivelatosi nella creazione quindi dell’ANTISEMITISMO.
Ora io mi chiedo sinceramente come faccia la Comunità Ebraica Italiana, e Romana in particolare (e di questa centralità di Roma riparleremo molto presto), ad accettare che IL GIORNO IN CUI SI PRATICAMENTE FESTEGGIA LA NASCITA DELL’ANTISEMITISMO, sia FESTA NAZIONALE RELIGIOSA, sancita dallo Stato italiano.
Anche perché, nota bene, la Festa di Santo Stefano del 26 Dicembre non è un mito arcaico, una “tradizione millenaria” o quant’altro, ma è stata istituita nel non certo lontano 1949!!!!!
E’ necessario quindi un lavoro di decostruzione sul mito delle “radici cristiane dell’Europa”, MAI ESISTITE, perché la realtà invece è che le radici libertarie & libertine, pagane & gaudenti originali greco-romane sono state soppiantate dall’invasione e colonizzazione di una setta terroristica palestinese che nulla ha a che fare con la nostra storia e i nostri valori di vita e libertà (e anche sessualità) più profondi, decisamente anticristianisti!!!
Helena Helena
ascolto consigliato: Necros Christos – Necromantic Doom (2002) (blackened death doom metal tedesco)"
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blprompt · 5 years ago
Image taken from page 36 of 'Porto Santo Stephano di Monte Argentario. Con disegni autografi, etc'
Image taken from: Title: "Porto Santo Stephano di Monte Argentario. Con disegni autografi, etc" Author: SCARABELLI, Carlo. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10129.d.3." Page: 36 Place of Publishing: Firenze Date of Publishing: 1884 Issuance: monographic Identifier: 003265285 Explore: Find this item in the British Library catalogue, 'Explore'. Download the PDF for this book (volume: 0) Image found on book scan 36 (NB not necessarily a page number) Download the OCR-derived text for this volume: (plain text) or (json) Click here to see all the illustrations in this book and click here to browse other illustrations published in books in the same year. Order a higher quality version from here. from BLPromptBot https://ift.tt/31yus8s
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patriciagallardo-blog · 6 years ago
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Celebración y liturgia por el día de #SanJorge. Procesión del Santo Patrono San Jorge, gran júbilo de los que saludan al #santo Megamártir, caballero y valiente ejemplo de fe, caridad, justicia y Protección. "Oh santo patrono, SanJorge, bedicenos". Gracias Padre Stephanos por la liturgia, por la bendición y tan hermosa celebración en la Capilla en San Vicente. #fe #religión https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw0TsvygOzV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mwziny8g866j
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sorrowsflower · 8 years ago
Beautiful Children (Adlock)
The Meeting, Part 1: First Impressions
A/N: Adlock teenlock AU, Please let me know what you think, because I’m not even sure if I should continue this... definitely gonna be NSFW from Part 2 on. Thanks to @randombiochemist @equusgirl and @elinorx for their help on this! More under the cut.
Dear God, he was bored out of his skull.
Not for the first time, Sherlock Holmes wondered why the south of France was such a popular tourist destination when there was nothing to do but allow oneself to bake in the sun or swim in the ocean. 
And since he had disliked the beach since his childhood days, and his own complexion was not naturally inclined to increased production of melatonin, except for the occasional freckle here or there -- not to mention the fact that he found no pleasure in watching the vacuous, bikini-clad teenage girls lying aimlessly on the beach, unlike his peers who rejoiced and stared hungrily at the amount of skin exposed -- Sherlock found himself utterly bored and sitting on a bench at the town square.
Why had he allowed himself to be dragged by his parents to this place for the summer? Mycroft, the lucky bastard, had managed to evade their mother’s unrelenting persuasion, which ranged from cajoling to encouraging guilt to a stern ultimatum that Sherlock could never say no to.
A few more months and he would be eighteen: out of the house and out of range of the daily, well-intentioned parental manipulation. Dear God, it seemed interminable...
Beside him, a fountain bubbled merrily -- designed in 1843, according to the bronze plaque at the base, which Sherlock deemed quite unnecessary, as the date could be easily deduced by the fountain’s design -- and Christ, he must really be bored if he had resorted to deducing something so mundane and unimportant.
With a small sigh, he turned to watch the passersby. Not that the people around him were any more remarkable than the redundant plaque, but he would concede that they were slightly more stimulating.
There were some tourists consulting a map beside the fountain a little to his right -- American, from somewhere in the south, judging by the accent, Texas, probably, somewhere near the Panhandle. There was the florist, arranging her wares at the shop window -- clearly having an affair with the baker, whose pregnant wife was currently siphoning funds from his till.
Boring. Boring! BORING!!!
Sherlock groaned out loud in frustration and ran his hand down his face. This must be what hell was like...
A flash of movement to his left caught his eye and he turned his head. The screech of tires heralded the arrival of a red convertible -- brand-new, recently driven to Ménerbes, had already received two speeding tickets and one parking ticket in the two months since it had been purchased.
Sherlock had seen the boy at the wheel around the club several times, Stavros something -- oil tycoon’s son, narcissistic underachiever spoiled by his mother, with at best an average IQ, full name too unimportant for him to remember. There was no need to deduce the make and model of the car, Stephanos (or whatever his name was) needed no prompting to announce it, along with its value, to anyone who would listen.
The girl sitting in the passenger seat, however, was a stranger. She had her back to him, but based on her build, Sherlock guessed she was around his age, probably a year or so younger.
She was paler than most of the tanned teenage girls parading in the streets, though there was a light scattering of freckles over her bare arms -- which, combined with the fact that he didn’t recognize her, told him that she was a new arrival.
He cocked his head, watching with a mild increase in interest as the unknown girl reached over, one hand on the narcissistic Greek’s lap and the other curling around the back of his neck. As Sherlock watched, the girl brought the other boy’s face closer and kissed him, slowly, languorously... all while her nimble fingers pulled his billfold from his pocket.
When the girl pulled away, the Greek boy’s mouth hung open, his dull eyes glassy. The girl laughed, a throaty delighted sound, and slid out of the passenger seat, leaving Santos-whatshisname slack-jawed behind her. Both he and Sherlock watched her walk away without looking back, the stolen wallet now securely hidden in her tiny zippered purse.
The convertible pulled off -- rather hesitantly, Sherlock thought -- and the girl walked over to the low wall a few feet away from the fountain. 
Her pace was casual, unhurried, and she showed no signs of nervousness or tension that accompanied criminal activity. No signs of the gratification or relief that followed kleptomania either. If Sherlock hadn’t seen her nick that billfold, he wouldn’t have known it from her behaviour.
He sat up a little straighter on his seat and watched the girl with considerably more interest. He had to admit, she was more stimulating than the tourists or the adulterous baker.
The girl stopped at the wall and hoisted herself up so that she was sitting on top of it. The wall was low enough that her dangling feet still skimmed the ground. She was tiny -- around 5′3″ to his full six feet -- but the short white sundress she wore made her slender legs seem longer as she stretched them out over the wall, giving the illusion that she was taller than her actual height.
She turned slightly and he finally got a full view of her face. She was younger than he had earlier deduced, probably closer to sixteen than seventeen. He supposed her face was aesthetically pleasing -- beautiful, even. But beauty was a social construct, and he liked to think he was above such matters. 
She had an aristocratic face with sharp bone structure, but her youth gave her face a certain softness that made it look almost delicate. She wore little makeup, unlike most of the girls her age in town. 
But what caught Sherlock was her eyes... An unusual shade that shifted between grey, green and blue along with the sunlight, their gaze was somnolent and heavy-lidded in the midday sun, but the more he looked, the more he saw that there was an intelligence there, an awareness that was lacking in the vacant eyes of the mundane people around him.
He didn’t recognize the exact minute that awareness was turned on him, but he realized that she had noticed him noticing her when one corner of her lips lifted into a small smile, and she flipped her long, dark hair behind her shoulder.
He knew she was preening, in the way most teenage girls do when trying to attract boys his age, but with this girl, there was a certain masterful subtlety, a languid confidence that replaced the usual teenage girl’s eagerness for attention. It wasn’t so much preening, as it was accepting attention and interest as her due.
And she was waiting for something, or someone...
That much he was able to glean from her behaviour. She checked the expensive watch on her wrist (this one not stolen, judging by the fit and the light discoloration on her skin under it) every so often, and she would glance up the street, occasionally tapping a finger over her knee. 
There seemed to be no urgency to her waiting, as if she had all the time in the world. Nevertheless, he suspected that she was not one used to waiting patiently on anyone.
His suspicions were confirmed when a young woman appeared across the street, waving in the girl’s direction. This one had curly light-blond hair and wide brown eyes. Sherlock gave her a cursory examination and found little that could be considered remarkable about the new arrival -- early twenties, maybe twenty-one, pet parakeet, art student based on the small smudge of oil paint on the back of her left forearm, had some potential, but lacked the confidence to let any real talent emerge. 
The blond young woman hurried in their direction, eyes flicking left and right, and her suspicious behaviour further piqued Sherlock’s interest.
The Girl that Sherlock had been observing lifted her head and acknowledged the woman’s appearance with an slow, almost... indulgent smile. She watched the woman approach her like a queen graciously receiving a subject. 
Despite the difference in their age, all the eagerness that had been absent in the Girl seemed present in this newcomer. The woman’s steps became quicker the closer she got to the Girl sitting on the wall, and an excited smile appeared on her face. She had a nervous energy that seemed to vibrate as she got closer, and the Girl took her hand.
The Girl unfolded her legs and slid gracefully off the wall. With that same almost patronizing smile, she pulled the older woman closer to her. As Sherlock watched, the Girl kissed the older woman on the lips, gently at first, then with more force and eagerness than she had the Greek boy earlier. 
If the first kiss had been about distraction, this was about control.
Despite himself, Sherlock was impressed at the distinction. Growing up in the social circles his family associated with, he’d seen his more than his fair share of manipulative people. Liars, cheaters, codependents, sociopaths, psychopaths, you name it. And he knew a pro when he saw one.
Curiosity piqued, he kept his stare trained on the kissing couple by the wall. The Girl pulled away with a smile that promised trouble, and took the older woman’s hand. 
The Girl gave no indication that she knew Sherlock was still watching, didn’t even turn in his direction. But just before she led the blond woman down the street, he saw the Greek boy’s billfold drop unnoticed onto the pavement.
A grin began to form on Sherlock’s face. That was no accident.
There was no way that billfold could have fallen out of her purse. It was too small, and it had a zipper top. The only way it could have fallen out was if it had been dropped on purpose.  And he was the only one who even knew she had it.
The grin stretched across his face. Well, at least he wasn’t bored anymore.
Sherlock got up from his seat and walked casually to the wall where the Girl had been sitting. He picked up the billfold and gave it a cursory examination: multiple cards, a driver’s license (huh, so the Greek boy’s name was Spiro) nothing unexpected or remarkable.
He cast a quick, surreptitious glance around the town square. Nothing else was amiss. The oblivious people around him had no idea what had just happened.
With a shake of his head and the grin firmly in place, he set off down the street to follow the Girl.
By SorrowsFlower
So... continue? Don’t continue? I’m kinda in strange waters here. 
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projetarche · 8 years ago
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Arche 0832 — Santo Stephano des Îles Pontines.
Samedi 1er juillet 2017, Miss Ming. _________________________________________ Cette semaine, Miss Ming dessine les animaux du monde. Née le 3 novembre 1990, Miss Ming est une « artiste à tout faire ». Poète : elle déclame ses textes sur une plage, y rencontre Benoît Delépine et devient presque aussitôt « ambassadrice du Groland » (elle incarne plusieurs personnages dans l'émission dès 2007 et publie l'étrange « Désencyclopédie du Groland »). Actrice : elle joue dans les longs-métrages du duo Delépine et Kervern (tenant un rôle important face à Gérard Depardieu dans « Mammuth », elle a également participé à « Louise-Michel » et « Le Grand soir »), occupe le second rôle dans « Henri » de Yolande Moreau (elle se retrouvera ainsi à Cannes et sera primée dans de nombreux festivals) puis dans « L'Hermine » de Christian Vincent. Écrivain : elle publie trois livres de poésie et de textes courts (« Feuilles, Pluies, Sel », « Effervescence insurrectionnelle » et « Farfelade » chez Hyppalage). Chanteuse : elle s'enregistre et créé elle-même ses clips (elle sort un single, un livre-objet accompagné d'un CD – « Miss Ming & sa Chandelle Magique » – puis un album : « Candy Rainbow »). Plasticienne : elle réalise des sculptures, des objets… Couturière : elle fabrique ses propres vêtements. Atteinte d'une maladie « incassable et inclassable » décelée à l'enfance, notez qu'elle est également polyglotte (elle parle et écrit le mandarin, le latin, le picard, et le normand), doctorante en arts plastiques (et auteure de la thèse : « Le cinéma d’animation transnational et international à travers les sciences humaines et sociales ») et qu'elle n'est jamais à court d'écrire, de dessiner, de peindre ou de fabriquer. _________________________________________ « Projet Arche » : un animal dessiné en quelques minutes chaque jour pendant dix ans. http://projetarche.blogspot.fr/
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fondazioneterradotranto · 8 years ago
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Nuovo post su http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2017/02/27/otranto-dintorni-carta-aragonese-del-xvi-secolo/
Otranto e dintorni in una carta aragonese del XVI secolo
di Armando Polito
Caccumoli sopr(a):  oggi Cocumola
Caccumoli sot(to) dir(uta)
Casale delle Fantanelle: da leggere Fontanelle; ha dato il nome ad un agriturismo sulla strada provinciale 366 Otranto-Alimini. Fontanelle nelle carte di Ianssonius e del Bulifon (XVII secolo):
Casa Massella: oggi Casamassella
Corfiniano: oggi Cerfignano
Fanale della Serpe: oggi Torre del Serpe. Si ritiene che la prima costruzione risalga al periodo romano e fungesse da faro. Fu restaurata in età federiciana. Il toponimo è legato ad una leggenda narrante di un serpente che ogni notte saliva sulla torre per bere l’olio che alimentava la lanterna del faro. Un’altra leggenda, probabilmente più recente, narra che, pochi anni prima della presa di Otranto nel 1480, i Saraceni avevano già tentato di prendere la città ma l’impresa era fallita perché il serpente, bevendo l’olio, aveva provocato lo spegnimento del faro.
Jordiniano: oggi Giurdignano
Porto2 badiscio: il successivo Porto fondo fa pensare ad un nucleo abitato del vicino entroterra.
Porto fondo: oggi Porto Badisco; il toponimo aragonese sembra quasi una nota etimologica, una sorta di traduzione dal greco βαθύς (leggi bathiùs), che significa profondo. Il riferimento sarebbe a prima vista al mare e in tal caso bisogna ipotizzare che la parte finale di Badisco sia il suffisso –ίσκος (leggi –iscos) con valore diminutivo; in tal caso l’allusione sarebbe alla modesta profondità del mare. Tuttavia, proprio il badiscio della carta aragonese apre la possibilità che il nome derivi dal greco βαθύσκιος  (leggi bathiùschios) composto dal ricordato βαθύς e da σκιά (leggi schià) che significa ombra, per cui il riferimento sarebbe alla folta vegetazione, di cui abbiamo un indizio nel in Girolamo Marciano (1571-1628) che, Descrizione, origini e successi della Provincia d’Otranto, opera usscita postuma per i tipi della Stamperia dell’Iride a Napoli nel 1855, dove, a p. 375 si legge: Vadisco è piccola ed amenissima valle vestita di oliveti, dalla quale trascorrono nel mare alcuni ruscelli di acque ov’è il Porticciolo, ricovero di piccoli vascelli. E subito dopo cita un passo del De situ Iapygiae del Galateo: Quarto ab Hydrunto lapide convallis parva, attamen amoenaissima et oleis consita est, quam incolae pomarium nuncupant; per hanc rivulis acqua decurrit. Haec pusillum portum efficit, quem ideo Vadiscum incolae dicunt; parvarum navicularum statio est (A quattro miglia da Otranto c’è una valle piccola ma amenissima e ricca di olivi, che gli abitanti chiamano frutteto; attraverso questa valle l’acqua scorre a ruscelli. Essa forma un piccolo porto un piccolo porto che perciò gli abitanti chiamano Vadisco; è riparo di piccole navicelle).
S.a M(aria) del Soccorso. Attendo notizie.
S.ta Pelagia: oggi Punta Palascìa; vedi http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2013/09/27/antonio-maria-il-pescatore-etimologo-di-punta-palascia/
S.to Emiliano: oggi Torre di S. Emiliano. La mappa mostra, come già in altri casi, un nucleo abitato in corrispondenza del toponimo e la torre distante sulla costa. È legittimo pensare, quando ciò succede con l’implicazione del nome di un santo che il nucleo abitato ne abbia tratto il nome per motivi devozionali che intuitivamente si perdono nella notte dei tempi e in epoca successiva l’abbia trasmesso alla torre. Se tutto ciò corrisponde al vero la mappa costituirebbe una sorta di ibrido sospeso tra il passato e il presente, Molto più, insomma, di quello che s’intende per carta storica.
S.to Francesco: oggi Convento dei Cappuccini
S.to Stephano: l’attuale Torre di S. Stefano presenta un’ubicazione in corrispondenza orizzontale sulla costa per cui quella che si nota in basso probabilmente è frutto di un errore di rappresentazione. 
Torre [di] Coccoruccio. Nelle carte di Hondius,  di Magini e di Ianssonius (XVII secolo) Torre di Cocorizzo.
   Nella carta di Bulifon (XVII secolo) Torre di Coccorizzo
Nella carta del De Rossi (1714), aggiornamento di quella del Magini, la torre e il toponimo sono assenti. Cocoruccio, Cocorizzo e Coccorizzo potrebbero essere italianizzazione  del salentino cucuruzzu (Cicirizzu è pure il nome di una località nel territorio di Nardò) che indica l’insieme di pietre che dopo il dissodamento del terreno venivano sistemate in un cumulo conico. Se è cosaì il nome della torre potrebbe essere connesso con la sua forma oppure con la sua dislocazione nel punto più alto del promontorio. Di essa, comunque, oggi non v’è traccia.
Torre della Vecchia: oggi Torre di Specchia di guardia)
Torre di S. Cesarea: oggi S. Cesarea terme
Torre Pelagia: vedi Santa Pelagia e il relativo link.
Torrione di Orte: oggi Torre dell’Orte o dell’Orto
Ugiano: oggi Uggiano la Chiesa
E siamo al caso disperato che non a caso ho lasciato per ultimo:
Il nunc S.to Eligio (?), che mi pare di poter leggere nel secondo rigo, grazie al nunc (ora) ci fa intuire che il primo rigo reca la forma antica del toponimo, che, per quanti sforzi abbia fatto, anche con l’ausilio delle carte precedentemente usate per la comparazione degli altri e con gli strumenti messi a disposizione dai migliori programmi di grafica, non sono riuscito a decifrare a causa de”evidente degrado del supporto. Chiudo con la speranza, ormai ricorrente, che ci riesca qualcun altro.
1 http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2017/02/05/lecce-porto-s-cataldo-cosi-al-tempo-adriano/
2 Anche se appare scritto Porta.
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electorquotes · 6 years ago
A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason, 1816
Page 251: and did so far encourage and promote the same, that the said treaty was concluded, and ratified under the great seal of England, then in the custody of the said lord Sommers; and thereby the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily, the places depending on the monarchy of Spain situate on the coast of Tuscany, or the adjacent islands, comprehended under the name of Santo Stephano, Porto Hercolo, Orbitello, Telamone, Porto Longone, Piombino, the town and marquisate of Final, the province of Guypuscoa, particularly the towns of Fontarabia and St. Sebastian, situate in that province, and especially the port of the Passage,which is therein comprised, with several other parts and things of or belonging to the said kingdom of Spain, were allowed to the dauphin for his share; and the crown of Spain,and the other kingdoms, islands, states, countries, and places, depending thereon, (except such part as aforesaid, which was thereby allowed to the dauphin for his share, and the duchy of Milan, hereinafter mentioned;) was given and assigned to the electoral prince, eldest son to the elector of Bavaria, for his share, to enjoy the same, to him, his heirs, and successors, forever, never to be molested therein, or on any pretense of right or claims on the part of the French king, or the dauphin, or his issue, heirs or successors; nor of the part of the emperor, the king of the Romans, the archduke Charles his second son, and other children, or his heirs and successors: and the duchy of Milan was thereby agreed to be given to the said archduke for his share, and in extinction of all pretensions and rights, which the said emperor, the king of the Romans, the said archduke Charles, etc. might have to the said succession of Spain: by which treaty it was also further agreed, that if any prince whatsoever should oppose the taking possession of the shares thereby agreed on as aforesaid, his majesty, the French king, and the States General should assist one another against such opposition, and hinder the same with all their power.
Page 265: ….and they were assured, his majesty would reduce the terms as low as could be done, and make them, as far as was possible in the then present circumstances of things, such as might be some foundation for the future quiet of Christendom, which all his majesty’s subjects could not but be convinced was his true aim; and, if it could be brought to pass, that England might be some way a gainer by that transaction, whether it was by the elector of Bavaria, who was the gainer by his majesty’s interposition in that treaty, his coming to an agreement to let the English into some trade to the Spanish plantations, or in any other manner, it would wonderfully endear his majesty to his English subjects.
Page 695: Debates in the House of Commons, upon the Great Question, Whether an Action lies at Common Law for an Elector, who is denied his Vote for Members of Parliament?
Page 703: And then there was another law made for electors and elected, that they should be all resident. Some of the law books give a pretty construction of it, that though there was such a law, yet the custom of parliament was to be the rule. But he said he thought it to be a better construction, that it being then reckoned a service, and a hard service, none but residents in the borough were compellable.
Page 706: Now I understand the chief reason was, for that the right of voting in such cases hath ever been, and ought to be cognizable and determinable by the House of Commons, and not elsewhere; for by the law and usage of parliament, the House of Commons have heard and determined the right of their own elections, and consequently and necessarily the right of the electors to vote; and for this purpose, at the opening of all parliaments a committee of elections is nominated of members of our own, to hear and determine of such right of elections, to whom petitions (after presented to the House) are referred; and if any elector had been refused his vote in the country he is, notwithstanding, allowed his vote here in case he had right; and it shall aver the candidate as much as if the vote had been received below…..
Page 707: And though no damages are usually given here, yet the officer, for misbehavior, and arbitrarily refusing votes who had right, may be, and has been punished, by the power and authority of the House, and even at common law: as when an alderman is refused by the mayor, or other person who ought to admit him, the rudy is by Mandamus, which though it is chargeable to the person injured, yet I do not know any damages are given him, otherwise than that the party injured is admitted; which is a relief, the alderman having what he complained for: And so the elector; his vote is allowed as good as if the constable had took it.
Page 708: I must confess I take the case of the elected to be much stronger than the case of the electors; and yet, in such cases, relief at common law was always denied, as in the case of sir Samuel Barnardiston and Soame, there the sheriff made a double return; and the case of Mr. Onslow, a false return; and the persons injured by those returns were put to very great charges and kept long from their seats in the House, and yet, at common law could never obtain a relief. The judges were of opinion (as they now are in the case of the elector) that it was a matter of parliamentary cognizance, of which they were not competent judges.
Page 709: The defendant’s counsel said, there voted for Mr. Gresham 14, having good votes: which, if so, would have made a majority; but the plantiff’s counsel excepted to six of the 14, as being no good electors, for that one of them lived not within the borough; which was proved, by ancient reputation and perambulation, that the house where he lived was left without the bounds. As to the other five, the objection was, they were no real burgage-tenants; and that, if any conveyances had been made to them of burgage lands, they were lately made, and fraudulently contrived, to make votes against an election:…..
Page 711: Anno 20 Jacobi, the mayor of Arundel, for misbehaving himself in an election, by putting the town to a great deal of change, not giving a due and general warning, but backing a number of electors, was sent for by warrant, and after, ordered to pay all the charge; and the House appointed certain persons to adjust the charges.
Page 715: And surely nothing is more absurd, than to say that this House shall examine, try, and determine who are elected; and yet Westminster hall, and the Lords shall examine and determine the right of the electors. How can anyone examine the election, but the first step he takes must be to consider and determine who are the electors? And the determining the one, is determining the other. ……. I do not see that there can be a stronger negative proof in any other case than in this; for we have had parliaments, as appears by our statues in print, for 500 years, and we have had parliaments in every reign since, and in several reigns a great many parliaments: and let us consider, whether this case would not have happened frequently in 500 years, in so many elections in counties, boroughs, and cities where there are such infinite numbers of electors? And therefore this case must frequently have happened if such an action lay at law.
Page 719: And yet now it is said upon the same reasons, the action does lie for this person, though he be only an elector, and must receive much less damage than the person elected; and there is no one reason for the elector, but holds more strongly for the elected. The elected cannot maintain an action, and yet now it is clear that one of the electors may, though he can have no substantial damage; for if a man comes and gives his vote, (as here in this case) it is not in the power of the officer to hinder him of the benefit of it; for his vote will be as well given as if the officer had put it down, and this with respect both to the person who gave the vote, and him for whom he voted; and so really it is no substantial damage to any man.
Page 721: Let it be considered again, that at this rate none but knaves, or beggars, will be mayors, or bailiffs in an election year: For suppose as at Westminster, where I think there are ten thousand electors: or suppose it be as in some towns near Wales, for one of which I have the honor to serve, where descendants of every burgess claim a right to vote, and by consequence they will bring it in tim almost to all the sons of Adam: for all the sons, and all the daughters’ husbands, and all their descendants claim a right to vote. Now what a miserable case must that officer be in, when persons shall come from east, west, north and south, and say their pedigree is so and so, (for they are good at pedigrees in those countries,) yet, what a condition is he in? He is bound to determine whether they have a vote or not; and though he is no lawyer, or herald, yet however he is bound to give judgment one way or another at the peril of an action; And suppose but a hundred men should bring their actions against the officer, what man can stand a hundred actions, though he be in the right? There are not only these difficulties in the case, but there is revenge: and in popular elections there are those heats, and the voters engage with that animosity….
Page 723: And have we not known that the electors, though but a small number of them (as in a late case of this sorry town of Aylesbury) about five, I think, of the electors came and complained, and their complaints were fully heard. And if any single elector should come with a petition and represent that he was abused by an officer, or ill treated by any mayor, or bailiff at the election, I do not think but the House would be ready to do him justice: and they have a right so to do, for the officer is accountable to them for his behavior. It is not now only so practiced, but always was so; for in the same treatise of my lord Coke’s 4th Inst. fool. 49, he says, That they will make him change his very return; they will make him raze out the name of one, and put in the name of the other. So they have a jurisdiction adequate in this case; and surely if they can hear the complaint of several electors, they can hear the complaint of any one elector.
Page 729: The act that hath been mentioned before, expressly commands, that the person chosen shall come and be present in parliament. And afterwards there was a penalty put upon such as were chosen, if they did not appear here; to which another punishment was added, which was, that the person elected, if he did not come hither, he should lose his wages. It was not reckoned a damage that any person was not returned a burgess to sit here, but a kindness; but that did not hold so in the case of an elector. Everybody agrees, as the electors had a right to choose, so there was no statute to compel them so to do; but they looked upon it not only as their right, but their interest, to be present at the elections.
Page 730: I am of opinion the Lords have no right to vote in elections for a knight of a shire or a burgess; and the reason I go upon is this, every person who had a right to vote, ought to have contributed to the expenses of him that was elected; if he was a freedholder, he was an elector for the county, if a burgess, for the borough; and the expenses of the knight of the shire were to be levied of all the freeholders, and the expenses of the burgesses upon all that were resent in the borough.
Page 732: I cannot think this action to be a breach of the privilege of the House; for, Sir, the party grieved, can be no way relieved, but by applying to the law; and I think the learned gentleman below, is out in all his instances; for he hath given an account of people injured applying to you, but they were candidates, and certainly that was their proper remedy; but in the case of an elector, I do not se ehe can have satisfaction by applying to you.
Page 733: For if we have power to hear and determine the right of the electors; and to punish officers for abridging them of their rights, and give satisfaction to the party, all which most evidently appears, not only in your Journals but by a continued and uninterrupted practice, time out of mind; then I think we need look no further. i do say, that from time to time there has been never a session of parliament but this power has been exercised; and in your committees they have often come to resolutions to determine the right of all electors, and frequently of particular electors; and for that purpose only they have examined whether persons had burgage-tenures, or have paid scot and lot, or have been freemen, and other circumstances necessary for the information of the committees; and as matters have appeared, they have judged them qualified or unqualified; and where the votes of persons having right have been offered, though refused at the election, the committees have usually allowed those votes as if they had been given; and upon their determination the House have agreed with the Committee very frequently, and sometimes have disagreed with the Committee, as the merits of the case have appeared to the House.
Page 735: I know that there are some opinions that elections have been tried in Chancery, and in the House of Lords; but I cannot find anything of that nature ever settled, though some attempts have formerly been made that way. I know that witnesses have been carried up sometimes to the House of Lords’ bar to be sown, but the trial of elections, and the right of the electors, hath always been in the House of Commons; so that there would be no defect of power or justice if nobody else middled int his matter.
Page 741: I beg gentlemen to consider, (I shall not enter into particulars that have been mentioned) whether anything of this kind would not make you despicable, to the lowest degree in the world, and expose electors to such mischief that none could endure? Upon every election that comes before you, it is impossible to judge the right of election, but by the right of electors.
Page 743: ‘That the sole right of examining and determining all matters relating to the election of members to serve in parliament, except in such cases as are otherwise provide for by act of parliament, is in the House of Commons; and that neither the qualification of the electors, or the right of the persons elected, is elsewhere cognizable or determinable. Members: The Question! the question! Mr. Smith. — Sir, .......of parliament, is in the House of Commons; and that neither the qualification of the electors, or the right of the persons elected, “is elsewhere cognizable or determinable.” Members. The Question. the question? Mr. Smith: — Sir, I speak only to your order, that gentlemen would not interrupt one another by calling for the question, but give diligent attention to the debate, for this is a matter of great consequence.
Page 747: To maintain this, it hath been said, and undoubtedly it is true, that this House hath a right to judge of elections; and it is as true, that on order to come to that determination, it is incidentally necessary that the House do judge of the right of the electors; and it has been said, (but that I deny) that the right of the electors is by the law of parliament. — I take the right of every elector in England to accrue to him by the common law, for he is under one or other of these qualifications: Either he is a freeholder, and then he has a right to vote for knights of the shire; or he has a right by charter, or a right by prescription; which two last rights take in the right of voting in all cities and boroughs. Now I would be glad to know whether the right of a freeholder is not by the common law/ Is it not an estate, with all its privileges and services, created by that law? Whether a right by charter is not by the common law? Is it not that law that enables the crown to grant charters, and qualifies that power? Whether a right by prescription is not by the common law? Is not prescription common usage? And is the common law anything but common usage? So that the right of every elector being by the common law, the judgment of that right is primarily and original in the courts of law.
Page 753: I cannot think this of electors and elected a privilege; I take it to be a service both in the electors and elected; and formerly it was reckoned a hard service; I know not how they find it now. It is a service, I take it, because all who are electors are liable to pay the wages, and I take that to be a burden: and not only from that, but the very towns that were boroughs, and elected, when one paid fifteenths, the other paid tenths; so that I take it to be a service: and if a franchise, see the consequence, it will be in the power of the crown to create as many boroughs as they please.
Page 755: I will go a step farther, that as you have the sole power to try the right of election, and consider the right of the electors, to the end I mentioned, to determine who shall be admitted here; so I grant it hath been the law and custom of parliaments, (how ancient I will not enquire) to punish the offenders, particularly the officers and magistrates presiding at the election, for doing any wrong or injury in his office on that occasion, in order to make him an example; or as an offender against the public, and the constitution of parliament; so far I grant you have a just right to go, and nobody ought to interfere with you.
Page 757: Law depending on custom, certainly consists not in, and is not to be made out by one act, but by often reiterated acts: and that must be very far from being the law and custom of parliament, which is so far from being a frequent repetition of acts, or precedents, that in this case, there is not one instance, where an elector hath brought his petition, without regard to the return made, and desired his particular right to vote might be tried and asserted, he having been obstructed and injured in giving his vote: nor was ever such elector repaired in damages here, nor ever had his particular right to vote resolved, or asserted by any judgment, or declaration of this House. ……… But if that precedent be defective, and none can show, that ever any petition was exhibited by any elector, for a personal injury done him in rejecting his vote, though the person he would have voted for was returned, this action may lie for such an injury done to an elector, without inferring with any law, or usage of parliament, that hat yet been made evident; and that brings me to another matter of that honorable person’s discourse, and I acknowledge he entered into it with a great deal of candor and fairness.
Page 759: And shall we declare it a mere service in the case of our electors, not to be recompensed even by single damages, and that after the undoubted methods of the common law have adjudged it their due? For I do not find anybody doubts, whether this man has proceeded in the legal method throughout, even in the last resort. The Lords have not judged the fact; they are bound as to the fact by the verdict, and they are unquestionably the judges of the law on a Write of Error. And therefore, as to what hath been said, that any fact of an election might come to be determined before the Lords, it is a great mistake, for they judge purely of the law on Writs of Error, as everyone knows, that knows anything of our constitution.
Page 761: Sir Humphrey Hackworth. — Mr. Freeman, we are much obliged to the gentlemen, that have argued on both sides, who have bought the matter of this debate into narrow compass: the question is this, whether an elector be entitled to an action at common law against the officer, for recovery of damages, in case his vote which he offered, by not taken down in writing, and entered on the poll? Or, whether the House of Commons have the sole privilege of examining and determining the right or qualification of very elector to give his vote, and to judge of the behavior of every sheriff and other officer, in taking the poll on the election of members to serve in parliament? I am of opinion, with great submission to better judgments, that the House of Commons have a sole right of judicature in these cases, and that the elector is not entitled to an action at common law. I shall endeavour to support this opinion by answering the arguments that have been made use of to prove the contrary; and first, I crave leave to observe, that the gentlemen who have argued on the other side, have not taken notice of a distinction, which seems to be very material in this case, and that is, between an actual force, or violence done by the officer, and a bare omission in point of duty. It is agreed, that in case the officer does by force, or violence obstruct or hinder an elector from offering, or pronouncing his vote at an election for which of the candidates he pleases, the elector will be entitled to an action at common law for recovery of damages; for that is a personal wrong, and does not concern the right or qualification of an elector to vote in elections: but in case the officer does permit the elector quietly to offer or pronounce his vote, (as he did in the case of Ashby, who pronounced his vote for sir Thomas Lee, and Simon Mayne, esq.) but does not think fit to enter his vote upon the poll, the elector in this case is not entitled to an action at common law for recovery of damages, because he has neither suffered any force or violence, nor is, by such omission, deprived of his vote; for a vote being once pronounced, the law takes it for the benefit of the public, thought he officer be wanting in his duty; and none have power to determine whether the elector had a legal vote, and whether the officer had sufficient reason to refuse to enter the said vote on the poll, but the House of Commons. If any others should have authority in this case, they will be able to destroy the freedom of elections, and the constitution of parliament. It is insisted by some gentlemen, that the electors have no proper remedy, in this case, in the House of Commons, and therefore they must have their remedy at common law: but with great deference to their judgments, the electors have a very proper remedy in this House in every respect; for here their votes will be allowed, the legal representatives restored, and the officer will be punished for willful default in the execution of his office. This is a remedy that answers the end for which every elector is entitled to give his vote, which is not for a private advantage to himself, but for the general advantage of the whole kingdom. But the action at law is no proper remedy in any respect, for since a vote that is offered and refused, is as good by the law of parliament as a vote that is offered and received, and is so adjudged on the trial of every election in the House of Commons, or else they could not fill their House with legal representatives; it is not proper or reasonable that an officer should pay damages to an elector that has not suffered any, nor that a public offense should be punished by a private satisfaction; which is not likely to prevent the evil, preserve the vote, and restore the representative; nor is the same consistent with the constitution, or the public safety.
Page 763: But, with great submission, there is no weight at all in this distinction; for, as it is plain that the elector is not in this case deprived of his vote, and therefore suffers no damage, so it is also evident that the judgment of the House of Commons, in matters properly cognizable before them, cannot be contradicted by any other judicature; and therefore their judgment of the qualification of the elector, and of the behavior of the officer, must be conclusive to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
Page 765: For if the Lords are judges of your privileges, you can hold no right but during their pleasure. — The Lords seem to contend for the right of the subject, but I wish it is not for a power to enable themselves to judge and determine, as they think fit, of all our rights and liberties; for this is the necessary consequence of allowing an elector to have a remedy in any other place but within these walls. — This is my humble opinion, and if I am mistaken, other gentlemen will set me right. …… Sir Gilbert Drolben, (afterwards a judge in Ireland.) Mr. Freeman; I shall not trouble you very long at this time of day: I think the point in debate has been truly stated by the gentlemen who have insisted on this question, Whether an action will lie for an elector, for having been refused his vote at the election of a member to serve in parliament? A learned gentleman would have the question to be, not whether an action will lie, but whether this House has the sole right of determining that matter, and of giving remedy in it? I confess I think it is more property stated the other way; but the thing is scarce worth a dispute, sine which way soever you turn the tables it comes to the same point, and one of the questions will in consequence be resolved by the resolution of the other. …….. A learned person was pleased to object, that right is founded upon usage; and if this House had the sole right of judging in a case of this nature, where a single elector is wronged, doubtless there would be some precedent of relief given to such an injured person. But, says the gentleman, there is no such precedent, and therefore it must follow, that this House has not the sole right of relieving in that case.
Page 767: So that it is not so much what has been used, as what is necessary to the support of the constitution, that must be the rule and measure in determining the rights of the House of Commons. But neither has usage been wanting in this case: For whereas, the gentleman asserts, that there is no precedent where this House has given relief to a wronged elector, (with submission,) several such precedents appear upon your books, particularly in the case of Banbury, where four or five of the inhabitants complained, and the House gave a remedy. And I cannot see why, if it has been given to four, it may not be given to one; nay, I should think if more than one have been relived, a fortiori one should be relievable.
Page 773: The matter before you comes to this single question, whether you will encourage, and give a power to an officer, be he whom he will, to act arbitrarily; or rather choose, in such a case, to do something in favor of the elector? I am sure if I desire to be elected by those that had the right, I would never give the officer an authority to the prejudice of the electors. Where you come to say, that the sole judging of the qualification of the electors belongs to the House of Commons only, those, I apprehend, are words of too large extent and ill consequence. Suppose there was an action brought upon the last act of parliament, for a false or double return—
Page 775: Mr. Freeman: The question, as I have it upon my Paper, is this: “That according to the known law and usage of parliament, neither the qualification of any elector, or the right of any person elected, is cognizable or determinable elsewhere than before the Commons of England in parliament assembled, except in such cases as are specially provided for by act of parliament.” But some gentleman are for leaving out these words, [“Neither the qualification of any elector, or,”] So that I must put a question, Whether these words shall stand part of the question? (Members: Aye, aye.)
Page 776: and the main Question being put, Resolved 2. “That according to the known law and usage of parliament, neither the qualification of any elector, or the right of any person elected, is cognizable or determinable elsewhere than before the Commons of England in parliament assembled, except in such cases as are especially provided for by act of parliament.” Resolved 3. “That the examining and determining the qualifications or right of any elector, or any person elected to serve in parliament, in any court of law, or elsewhere than before the Commons of England in parliament assembled, except in such cases as are specially provided for by act of parliament, will expose all mayors, bailiffs, and other officers, who are obliged to take the poll, and make a return thereupon, to multiplicity of actions, vexatious suits, and unsupportable expenses, and will subject them to different and independent jurisdictions, and inconsistent determinations in the same case, without relief.” ……. January 26, 1704. Mr. Freeman reported the five Resolutions agreed to by the committee, the first Resolution was not opposed, but after the second Resolution, viz., “That according to the known law and usage of parliament, neither the qualification of any elector, or the right of any person elected, is cognizable or determinable elsewhere than before the Commons of England in parliament assembled, except in such cases as are specially provided for by act of parliament.”
Page 777: Mr. Ward: I do not apprehend that consequence from this Resolution. I think if it was so, this should have been offered before the first Resolution was passed, with hath passed in the House and Committee, nemine contradicente; for you cannot determine the right of any members sitting here, without determining the right of the electors.
Page 780: 3. There never were but three actions upon the case brought by Candidates for false returns, viz., Nevill’s case in the late times, and sir Samuel Barnardiston’s case, and Onslow’s case in the time of king Charles II, in all which cases the defendants prevailed upon the point of law, viz. that such action would not lie. And if such action doth not lie for one elected, much less will it lie for an elector.
Page 781: 6. This is not to be compared to other cases, where the party hath no remedy elsewhere than in Westminster hall; for here the plaintiff hath a proper remedy by applying to the House of Commons, it being usual for electors, who think themselves aggrieved by the chief magistrates in an election, to petition the House of Commons, although the election is not contested by the candidates, and parliamentary cases are to be determined in parliament; ….
Page 783: The application of these two acts is very plain; the first saith, to be excluded from sending knights and burgesses to parliament, is a damage to lands, goods, and body; the other saith, that it is a liberty and privilege to send them. Thus the right of election is explained, and showed to be a legal right. That of electing knights of shires, belonging to and inherent in the freehold. The other, of electing burgesses, is belonging in some cities and towns to the real estate of the inhabitants; and in others, is voted in the corporation, for the benefit of the particular members, who are the electors; the having of which is a great benefit and advantage to the people thereof, and will prevent great loss and damage that otherwise would ensue.
Page 785: Would it not look very strange in a constitution so formed, that the Commons of England have an undoubted share in the legislative authority, which is to be exercised by their representatives chosen by themselves, in which every freeholder of 40s. per ann. hath a right to vote for the county, every citizen for a city, and every burgess for a borough: that, if the sheriff, or other officer, who is to cause the election to be duly made, shall hinder or deprive any of those electors of his right, the person injured shall have no remedy, though the injury be done to such a right, upon the security whereof the lives, liberty, and property of all the people of England so much depend?
Page 789: That the officer is only ministerial in this case, and not a judge, nor acting in a judicial capacity, is most plain; his business is only to assemble the electors to make the election, by receiving their votes, computing their numbers, declaring the election, and returning the persons elected: the sheriff or other officer of a borough, is put to no difficulty in this case, but what is absolutely necessary in all cases. If an execution be against a man’s goods, the sheriff must at his peril take notice what goods a man has.
Page 791: And, as to letters patents, if pleaded specially, the court must judge of them; and, if either party conceives the court hath judged amiss, he hath his remedy by Writ of Error, till at last it comes where it will receive a final judgment. So that every right which an elector can have, is proper for the determination of the Queen’s courts. There are various ways of election in different boroughs, but they all depend upon charters or customs; and therefore are not more difficult to determine, than other franchises or liberties which depend upon the same foundations. …… To say the plaintiff, in this case, may apply to the House of Commons, is not sufficient, unless proved; never any single elector of any county or borough did complain to the House of Commons, that he was debarred of his particular right. Sometimes some of those who have right to choose in a borough have complained, that persons have been returned by the officer, who were not duly elected, as being an injury done to the whole community of the borough, to have a person without right sit there as their representative; but this is only to bring the merits of the election in question, of which that House hath cognizance, and therefore, as incident and necessary there they may try the right of electors, which of them, by custom, or letters patents, have voices; but this is no more than all courts have.
Page 793: This shows plainly, that because the House of Commons may determine who are electors, and who are not, incidentally, and so far only as it is necessary to try the right of the election, it doth not follow that when the right of election is not in question they can try the right of an elector. When the right of the candidate is examined in the House of Commons, it is in order to determine which person hath the right to join with them in the making of laws, and other public services, and if, in order to the deterring this point, the House of Commons must judge of electors, they do it only to this purpose. But the courts of law judge of an elector’s right wholly to another end, as it is a legal right to assert that, and to repair in damages the elector who is wrongfully hindered from exercising it. This is what the House of Commons cannot do, nor to this day was there very any application made to them to do it, and it may be reasonably supposed they will not now begun to take it upon them.
Page 794: It was said in the debate of this case, that instances were to be given, where the party injured did not recover damages, as in case where one has a right of presentation, and is disturbed, he could not recover damages at the common law, and that was resembled to the right of an elector, which was said to be only a nomination. But the answer to this objection is plain; there the law gives the party a remedy to recover the presentation, the thing that was taken from him, to which he is restored by the judgment; but, in the present case, there is no possibility for the plaintiff to recover the thing he has lost, which was his vote at the election, for that election is over, and can never be had again, so that the plaintiff cannot possibly have any reparation, unless it be in damages, and this sort of reparation the House of Commons cannot give him.
Page 795: If the House of Commons judge of the right of a particular elector at any time, it is only ‘pro ista vice,’ so far as it relates to the particular case before them; but surely the House never thought the elector’s freehold finally concluded thereby, because he is no party to that suit, his right came not there in question originally, but consequentially, in a cause litigated between other persons, to which he is no party; and it cannot be agreeable to right reason, or the principles of law, for a man’s right to be conclusively determined, in a cause between other parties. ……. It was answered, that the law of England has no respect to persons: If an elector be a cobbler, he is a freeman of England, and has that great privilege belonging to him to be represented in parliament.
Page 796: But there is no resemblance between those cases and the case of an elector. In Barnardiston’s case of a double return of members, the reason on which the judgment was founded, was, that a double return was no return which the law took notice of, but was only allowed of by the custom of parliament. When an officer, who doubts, makes a double return, he submits to the judgment of the House of Commons; and, if that House admits of such a return, as they had often done, it would be hard the law should subject a man to an action, for submitting a matter of fact, (the truth of which the officer doubts) to the determination of those who have a jurisdiction of the matter, and approve the manner of such a return.
In the other case of a false return of a member, several reasons may be ascend for the judgment, which are not applicable to the case of an elector; perhaps it might be because such a return is a manifest injury to every one of the electors (though principally to the candidate) and therefore it might fall within the reason of Williams’s case above-mentioned, that every elector might sue him; and therefore none of them severally can maintain the action. But there is another reason very obvious, because the candidate has a proper remedy to recover his place, from which he is excluded by the false return; the right of election is cognizable in the House of Commons, there he will recover his seat in parliament, which is what the law has the principal regard to, and there is no reason he should have another remedy elsewhere.
Page 797: But it was said in the first place, that this objection was little applicable to the present case, but it has no relation to the sitting of that member, for whom the elector who brings his action gave his vote.
Page 798: To pretend it to be a breach of privilege of the House of Commons, for an elector to seek for remedy at law, if he be wrongfully excluded of his vote, is very strange.
Page 799: “It is resolved by the Lords spiritual and temporal in parliament assembled, that the deterring electors from prosecuting actions in the ordinary course of law, where they are deprived of their right of voting, and terrifying attorneys, solicitors, counselors, and sergeants at law, from soliciting, prosecuting and pleading in such cases, by voting their so doing to be a breach of privilege of the House of Commons, is a manifest assuming a power to control the law, to hinder the course of justice, and subject the property of Englishmen to the arbitrary Votes of the House of Commons.”
Page 821: And, according to the known laws and usage of parliament, neither the qualification of any elector, nor the right of any person elected, is cognizable, or determinable elsewhere, than before the Commons of England in parliament assembled, excepting such cases as are especially provided for by act of parliament. ……. And the exercise of this power by the House of Commons, is warranted by a long, uncontested possession, and confirmed by the act that passed 7 & 8 Gul. 3, cap. 7; and the House of Commons must be owned to be the only jurisdiction that can allow the elector his vote, and settle and establish the right of it; the last determination in that House being by that act of parliament, declared to be the standing rule for the right of election in each respective place. Nor can any elector suffer either injury, or damage, by the officers denying his vote; for when the elector hath named the person h would have to represent him, his vote is effectually given, both as to his own right and privilege, and as it avails the candidate in his election; and is ever allowed, when it comes in question in the House of Commons, whether the officer had any regard to it or no.
Page 833: That a freeholder of 40s. per annum has a right of inheritance which he is born: and if his Vote is denied, he is damnified, and loses the credit of his Vote; and if he shall only come to the House of Commons, they can neither give him damages nor coasts of suit. That a freeholder cannot be determined by any court which cannot give an oath. That the precedents produced concern only the right of determining elections in general. and an action by an elector, for his right of Voting, does not avoid the election.
Page 837: The Lords themselves, when they had no design upon the privilege of the Commons, were of opinion, in the Case of sir Samuel Barnardiston, in the first year of the reign of king William, that no such action lay;and there is no one reason can be offered to maintain this action, but held more strongly in the Case of sir Samuel Barnardiston, as damages, costs, etc. And it is an absurd distinction to say, that in this case the right of election cannot come in question, because the determining of the right of the electors doth generally determine the right of the elected; and almost all controverted elections depend upon the qualifications of the electors. That the Commons had shown such a disposition to maintain a good correspondence with
Page 839: That their lordships allowed all matters relating to elections, ought to be determined solely by the Commons: and though their lordships attempted to make a distinction between the right of elections, and the right of electors, yet their lordships cannot find room for such a distinction, unless they would say, the right and qualification of the electors, was a matter not relating to elections.
Page 841: But the same arguments will hold for maintaining such an action, to recover damage for refusing precedency to him that hath right to it, as for maintaining an action to recover damages for refusing to take down upon the poll the vote of an elector: For it may with equal reason be said in both cases, that the plaintiff hath a right, that the defendant refused him that right, that such refusal is an injury, and consequently ought to be repaired in damages.
Page 845: That the material difference is between judging of the right of the electors, and the right of the elected; And there may be cases, as here, where the election is not in question, and yet the electors receive great damage in being denied their vote; that the right of freehold is a man’s birthright, and cannot be taken from him but by law; That if any person be injured by any officer whatsoever, he may, by law, seek for reparation: otherwise, there is a right without a remedy, which is no right at all.
Page 847: But it is as plain, when the right of voting in an election is the thing originally, immediately and directly in question, that is solely cognizable in the House of Commons, whose determination is the standing rule for all places: and if the elections only were examinable by the Commons, and every elector’s vote was examinable elsewhere, the consequence of such different determinations is fully stated, as delivered at the last Conference; which common and known difference of coming originally, or collaterally and incidentally in question, will answer the case of the earl of Banbury, where the Order of the House of Lords came only indecently in question, upon an indictment for murder; nor is here any injury in this case that requires an action, much less damages: the elector’s vote, upon every election, depends upon its own true foundation, as the elector then stands entitled by freehold, charter, or prescription, whether he was entitled, or was allowed or refused, at any former election, or not.
Page 863: Your majesty’s royal writ commands, that the several electors make choice of persons to represent them in parliament, in order to do and consent to, such things as should be ordained there, relating to the state and defense of the kingdom and the church, for which the parliament is called; and they obey the command, in proceeding to choose members for the parliament then summoned; but neither the write which requires them to choose, nor the indenture by which the return is made, import anything whereby it may be inferred, that the electors put into the power of their representatives, their several rights of election, to be finally disposed of at their pleasure.
Page 865: It was not possible for the electors to suspect that such a pretense would ver be set up by their representatives, when, in the course of so many ages, the House of commons had never taken upon them to try or determine the right of any particular elector, unless incidentally, and only in order to decide a question, of the title of some member of their own House to sit amongst them.
The right of election is a legal interest incident to the freehold, or founded upon custom, or the letters patents of your majesty’s royal ancestors, or upon particular acts of parliament, and must be tried and determined like other legal interests; and this consideration does manifestly show the absurdity of pretending, that such rights can be decided by the House of Commons, where there is neither a power of administering an oath, in order to discover the truth, nor a power of giving damages, which is the only reparation the elector is capable of receiving in such a case. Therefore, if the electors, when they are deprived of their rights, have no place to resort to but the House of Commons, the right of election would be a right without a remedy, which indeed is no right at all.
Page 867: And when afterwards that Judgment in the Exchequer chamber was affirmed in parliament, the House of Commons never thought themselves secure against the corruptions of the officers who were to take the poll, and make return at elections, till they had got an act in the 7th and 8th years of the late king, which gave a remedy in Westminster hall for false and double returns; so little contented were they, in their own cases, with the jurisdiction of the House of Commons, and the remedy to be had there, which now they so fiercely contend their electors should entirely acquiesce in: And we cannot but think it manifest partiality in those gentlemen, to go about, by such violent means, to deprive their electors of recovering of damages, when they are wronged in being deprived of giving votes, since they thought it necessary for themselves to have that advantage, when they are injured in their own elections.
Page 883: The Lords did not dispute the power of the Commons, in examining and determining the elections of their own members, nor of enquiring into all matters relating to the determination of that question, particularly their examining into the qualifications of electors, and agreed that what they determined would be binding, as to the right of the member to sit in the House: but that determination would not bind the right of any elector, for he was no party to that dispute of the election, he was not heard for himself, nor was his cause in agitation before the House; and the action brought by the elector has no manner of relation to the sitting of the member, but is only for recovery of damages upon account of the particular injury done him by the officer at the election.
Page 885: As to the second precedent they cited, which is the case of sir Francis Goodwin, in the first year of king James the first, which they made use of to prove their own power of determining elections, and that they were not to give an account of their proceedings therein to the Lords: it appears by their own journal, that they had not stated that case fairly; and that in fact, the Lords, at the desire of the Commons themselves, were mediators between them and the king in that dispute; and that the Commons at last yielded the point; and notwithstanding their determination in favor of him, submitted, that a new write should issue for choosing a new member in the place of sir Francis Goodwin. And though there be mention in the journal of a letter wrote by sir Francis Goodwin, desiring, that this third write should issue; yet that could make no difference in the case; for it will not be pretended, that a member could give up the right of his electors, and the judgment of the House.
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multiversepapelle28 · 8 years ago
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  Santo Stephanos beach in Seitan limania , Akrotiri Chania Crete..
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technopatas · 8 years ago
Viernes 13 de enero de 2017 — El año pasado la escena competitiva de League of Legends (LoL) en LAN evolucionó como nunca. Gracias a la Copa Latinoamérica Norte 2016 y el establecimiento de las primeras gaming houses, así como la liga presencial, se sentaron las bases para consolidar la Liga Latinoamérica Norte (LLN), la cual dará comienzo a una nueva etapa para los profesionales de LoL para la temporada de 2017. Una de las principales novedades que ha traído consigo la LLN es la incorporación de dos escuadras adicionales a la escena competitiva, lo cual da un total de ocho equipos participantes. Más equipos se traduce en mayor variedad de estrategias, un incremento en el nivel de juego de los contendientes y, por supuesto, más juegos que disfrutar para los espectadores, así que prepárate para un 2017 cargado de acción en la Grieta. Los cuatro equipos ya conocidos de LAN –Lyon Gaming, Just Toys Havoks, Gaming Gaming (antes Galactic Gamers) y Zaga Talent Gaming– permanecerán tal y como están, salvo por algunos cambios en sus alineaciones. Sin embargo, provenientes del Circuito de Leyendas Expansión, llegan cuatro nuevas escuadras que están listas para cambiar la cara de la escena profesional y retar a los actuales campeones: Inifinity eSports, Predators eSports, Infamous Gaming y Dash9 Gaming. Esto da un total de ocho equipos, dos más de los que anteriormente conformaban la escena profesional de nuestra región. Alineaciones Lyon Gaming Carril superior: Daniel “Jirall” Del Castillo (México) Jungla: Sebastián “Oddie” Niño (Perú) Carril central: Ali “Seiya” Bracamontes (México) Tirador: Matías “WhiteLotus” Musso (Argentina) Soporte: Mariano “Genthix” Polonsky (Argentina) Suplente: Jorge “Legion” Valencia (México) Entrenador: Rodrigo “Yeti” Del Castillo (México) Analista: Luis “Revehaza” López (México) Just Toys Havoks Carril superior: Gerardo “Porky” Cuamea (México) Jungla: Santiago “Deps” De Pool (Venezuela) Carril central: Felipe “Hobbler” Tobón (Venezuela) Tirador: Fabián “Warangelus” Llanos (Chile) Soporte: Yair “Keoo” Campos (México) Suplente: Carlos “DCStar” Méndez (México) Entrenador: Gonzalo “Enatsu” Peredo (Chile) Analista: Santiago “Cohenn” Ruiz de Aguirre (México) Gaming Gaming Carril superior: Álvaro “Fearless” Menéndez (México) Jungla: Diego “LiquidDiego” Padilla (México) Carril central: Rubén “Leza” Jara (México) Tirador: Ian “N1nja” Espinosa (México) Soporte: Iván “Nerzhul” Meza (México) Suplente: Daniel “Mazino” Carbajal (México) Entrenador: Evandro “Yaltz” Cerqueira (Brasil) Analista: Weber “WildCheese” Schneider (Brasil) Zaga Talent Gaming Carril superior: Mauricio “Voltigore” Gutiérrez (Perú) Jungla: Diego “SolidSnake” Vallejo (Perú) Carril central: José “Masterjos” Beltrán (Bolivia) Tirador: Guillermo “VirusFX” Navarrete (México) Soporte: Alejandro “Baula” Serrano (México) Suplente: Jesús “Medusa” Juárez (México) Entrenador: Daniel “Mihilea” Azón (España) Analista: Juan Carlos “Suplife” Sánchez (Perú) Infinity eSports Carril superior: Daniel “Eledion” Nogueras (España) Jungla: Andrés “Wikko” Legarda (Colombia)  Carril central: Sergio “Cotopaco” Silva (Colombia) Tirador: Roberto “Peluchín” Ponce (México) Soporte: Emanuel “Gralou” Trasande (Argentina) Suplente: Carlos “Akari” Calderón (México) Entrenador: Carlos “Soren” Ibarra (México) Predators eSports Carril superior: Jero “Jer0m” Pujades (España) Jungla: César “Fénec” Bautista (España) Carril central: Marcelo “IcyTower” Barba (México) Tirador: Iván “Xpng” Ortiz (México) Soporte: Stiven “Choisix” Cordero (Costa Rica) Suplente: Raúl “Snow” Portales (México) Entrenador: Víctor “Victpm” Corrales (España) Analista: Iasi “Oxaciano” Salomón (Argentina) Analista: Estephan “Scarface” Méndez (Argentina) Infamous Gaming Carril superior: José “Relic” Pombo (Portugal) Jungla: Bruno “Kenny” Córdova (Perú) Carril central: André “Cotton” Alarcón (Perú) Tirador: Kevin “2020” Santos (Perú) Soporte: Nicolás “Sony” Jiménez (Venezuela) Suplente: Jorge “Zero Zero Yon” Bravo (Perú) Entrenador: Aarón “Babeta” Collados (España) Analista: Stephanos “Arty” Kourniatis (Perú) Dash9 Gaming Carril superior: Miguel “Akunma” Aylas (Perú) Jungla: Julián “Julaxe” Escobar (Colombia) Carril central: Nicolás “Nobody” Ale (Argentina) Tirador: Alonso “Donut” Pacheco (Perú) Soporte: Alejandro “Suppa” Restrepo (Colombia) Suplente: Gonzalo “Totti” Pérez (Chile) Entrenador: Gerson “Dye” Castaño (Colombia) Analista: Juan “Demizos” Morales (México) Calendario 16 de enero – 14 de febrero: Fase de Grupos (Ida) 27 de febrero – 29 de marzo: Fase de Grupos (Vuelta) 5-6 de abril: Semifinales 15 de abril: Gran Final.  Horarios de Fase de Grupos Lunes 16 de enero: 5:00 PM MX / 6:00 PM CO Predators eSports vs. Infamous Gaming Lyon Gaming vs. Just Toys Havoks Martes 17 de enero: 5:00 PM MX / 6:00 CO Dash9 Gaming vs. Infinity eSports Zaga Talent Gaming vs. Gaming Gaming Miércoles 18 de enero: 5:00 PM MX / 6:00 CO Lyon Gaming vs. Infamous Gaming Just Toys Havoks vs. Infinity eSports La adrenalina comenzará a fluir a partir del 16 de enero, cuando dé inicio la Fase de Grupos (o Fase Regular). Anteriormente esta etapa se jugaba al mejor de tres partidas; sin embargo, a partir de este año se disputarán al mejor de dos partidas (Bo2), obligando a los equipos a prepararse estratégicamente para una cantidad específica de partidas, en igualdad de condiciones en cada ocasión. Mientras que los empates (1-1) otorgarán a cada equipo un punto, las victorias (2-0), les brindarán tres puntos. ¿Qué significa todo esto? Básicamente, una liga con más oportunidades para todos y mucha emoción, puesto que un empate será de gran ayuda para los equipos que buscan subir en la tabla, mientras que afecta al equipo que quiere permanecer en los primeros lugares. Además, los tres puntos que otorgan las victorias serán una buena motivación para que los equipos vayan siempre tras el 2-0 y den siempre lo mejor de sí en cada batalla. Por otro lado, las eliminatorias (o playoffs) seguirán el mismo formato de siempre, en el cual los cuatro mejores equipos de la fase regular pasarán directamente a las semifinales del 5 y 6 de abril, respectivamente. Las series de las eliminatorias se jugarán al mejor de cinco partidas (Bo5) y los equipos que salgan victoriosos de esta fase se batirán por el título de campeón en la gran final del 15 de abril, la cual también se disputará al mejor de cinco partidas. Promoción / Relegación El talento naciente también es una parte clave para impulsar el crecimiento de la región, es por ello que, como parte de las estrategias implementadas para fomentar ésto, el sistema de Promoción y Relegación se renueva. En 2017 el riesgo se eleva y habrá más en juego para los equipos profesionales, puesto que el nuevo sistema de Promoción y Relegación de la LLN indica que el equipo que termine en último lugar tras la fase de grupos será relegado de manera directa a la nueva liga semiprofesional de LAN, el Circuito de Leyendas Norte (CDLN). Mientras tanto, el equipo que obtenga el primer lugar en el CDLN será promocionado directamente al siguiente ciclo de la LLN. Además, la escuadra que ocupe el séptimo lugar en la LLN tendrá que vencer al segundo lugar del CDLN para defender su lugar en la escena profesional, en un duelo que tendrá lugar el 11 de abril. Circuito de Leyendas Norte Este año, el antiguo Circuito de Leyendas (CDL) se ha actualizado, abriendo espacios para nuevos talentos que buscan ingresar a la escena profesional de LoL en la región. El nuevo CDLN buscará formalizar la escena semiprofesional, y para ello contará con cuatro nuevos equipos dispuestos a darlo todo por avanzar en su camino a la cima: Silver Crows, Authority eSports, 6Sense y Kiki Clan Gaming. A estas nuevas caras se les unirán dos combatientes ya conocidos: BrawL eSports y Elite Wolves (antes llamados Revenge eSports) –quienes fueron relegados durante la CLN 2016 Clausura– para completar un total de seis equipos que tienen toda la intención de destronar a los actuales campeones de la escena competitiva. La batalla entre las escuadras de CDLN comenzará el jueves 19 de enero a las 5:00 PM hora de México. Con todas estas novedades, la región entera se prepara para presenciar una nueva etapa con un mayor nivel competitivo y mejor desempeño a nivel internacional. ¡Es momento de crecer a lo grande!
  #LoL: Inicia Campeonato de Liga Latinoamérica Norte: Prepárate para un año cargado de acción en #LeagueOfLegends Viernes 13 de enero de 2017 — El año pasado la escena competitiva de League of Legends…
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